What causes male hair loss?

Reasons why men suffer hair loss

There are a number of reasons why men suffer hair loss.  Half of all men experiencing some level of hair loss by the time they reach the age of 50, however, there are potential solutions. Here at Landmark Hair we have more than 20 years of experience in delivering excellent results and we can help you too.

There’s more information on these pages about male hair loss and what the suitable solutions might be – whether you are struggling with male pattern baldness, a receding hairline or all-over thinning.

For more help and advice about male hair loss, and the potential solutions including hair transplantation, laser hair regrowth, non-surgical hair replacement and also scalp micro-pigmentation, then speak with the experts at Landmark Hair and arrange for a specialist consultation so the perfect hair loss solution for you can be diagnosed.

Male pattern baldness

The most common form of male hair loss is known as male pattern baldness and it’s a condition that’s caused by a combination of changing hormones and your inherited genes. These genes can be inherited from either your mother or father, so if your father still retains a full head of hair, you may not.

Do you have male pattern baldness?

For those who may question whether they have male pattern baldness, then their hair loss will typically begin as a receding hairline that gradually moves towards the back of their head. This is then followed by a thinning crown.

If male pattern baldness, or Androgenic Alopecia as it is really known, is the problem, then there’s a way to measure the hair loss by using the Hamilton-Norwood scale. For those who have this type of hair loss, then the sooner you begin to treat the issue then it will be easier for you to return your head of hair to a full style.

Reasons why you may be losing your hair

It’s important, however, to speak with experts who understand the reasons why you may be losing your hair and a consultation with the Landmark Hair team will diagnose the issues quickly and recommend a course of treatment.

This treatment will be personalised and with a 95% success rate, the Landmark Hair team are the ones to trust. Remember, visiting a hair loss expert as soon as possible is highly recommended for tackling male hair loss problems.

It’s also possible, if you are in the very early stages of losing your hair, that other treatments could be used to optimise hair growth and stem the process of thinning, such as using laser therapy, for example.

Who is affected by male pattern baldness?

It’s important to appreciate that male pattern baldness can affect men of any age and while some may experience a slower process of hair loss, around half of all men will display signs of losing their hair by the age of 50. For those who lose their hair slowly, then this means it is harder to detect until the hair loss has become advanced.

For more help and information about understanding male pattern baldness and what can be done to resolve the situation, then meet with the Landmark Hair team for a free consultation where the diagnosis for resolving your hair loss will be made.

Receding hairline

A receding hairline

For men who are struggling with a receding hairline, this is a progressive type of male hair loss, then there are potential solutions to return your head of hair to its former glory. A receding hairline usually develops on either side of the forehead and can make you look older than you actually are.

Landmark Hair Loss Clinic - Success StoriesA receding hairline can strike at any time, from men in their late teens to men in their 50s. Indeed, a receding hairline may be a type of hair loss that happens on its own while not affecting the rest of your scalp. Alternatively, the receding hairline may develop into male pattern baldness or all-over hair thinning.

Solve your receding hairline

If you want to solve your receding hairline issues then it is important to seek advice as soon as possible to determine what treatment can be undertaken to avoid your hair receding further.
And while the levels of hair loss will vary between men, the sooner the treatment begins then the sooner the hair loss damage will be minimised. If you want to know what can be done then the Landmark Hair team has more than 20 years of experience in resolving receding hairlines and can help you.

It’s for this reason that the receding hairline experts will carry out a free consultation and diagnosis to decide which treatment will be most suitable.

What causes a receding hairline?

So, what causes a receding hairline? Hair loss in men is caused by a number of factors including a genetic disposition for hair loss and hair follicles becoming too sensitive to some male hormones.

While men with a family history of baldness would appear to be more likely to lose their hair, this is not always the case. Also, the timing of hair loss and receding hairlines is often similar between generations within a family.

It also needs to be appreciated that when it comes to receding hairlines for men, the type of hair loss treatment will be dependent on how far the hair has receded and, equally as important, the reasons for you losing hair.

We have the experience to deal with male hair loss

Here at Landmark Hair, we have the experience to deal with male hair loss from receding hairlines to male pattern baldness and offer free consultations to carry out a diagnosis and plan for a successful treatment.

The recommended treatments for dealing with male hair loss may include hair transplantation, non-surgical hair replacement and laser therapy. Again, the experts at Landmark Hair will be able to help.

Thinning crown

A thinning crown

While many men may believe that a thinning crown is a natural part of the ageing process, that doesn’t mean there’s nothing that can be done to stop it or to reverse the damage that has been done.

A thinning crown may coincide with having a receding hairline but usually men will have one or the other; the thinning itself will take place on the top or on the back of the head known as the crown, though sometimes the area is known as the ‘vertex’.

If you have a thinning crown then this is a common type of male hair loss and, if treated early enough, it is possible to reverse the effects. It’s also possible to treat the advanced stages of a thinning crown so you will again enjoy a full head of hair.

Men with a thinning crown

Indeed, many men with a thinning crown may believe incorrectly that once they begin to lose their hair, or should they experience extensive male hair loss, then there’s little they can do to reverse the problem.

When hair is lost at the crown, it will thin until the scalp becomes visible and this will then progress into a bald spot. This bald spot may then develop until meeting a receding hairline, for instance, to create a prominent bald area at the back or on top of your head.

It also needs to be appreciated that a thinning crown will vary between men and is a common issue.

Irreversible thinning crown can be resolved

However, it would be untrue to say the issue cannot be solved since there are proven treatments and hair replacement techniques that show that having an irreversible thinning crown can be resolved. The Landmark Hair team will explain more about this during their free consultation.

One of the issues about a thinning crown is that this is a type of hair loss that often goes unnoticed in its early stages so you may still retain a strong head of hair around the crown itself. However, you will need to seek expert advice to see how your hair loss will progress from this early stage.

The easiest way of doing this is to arrange a free consultation with the experts at the Landmark Hair clinic who will be able to diagnose why you have a thinning crown and what treatments will be available to resolve the situation. These potential solutions for a thinning crown include hair transplantation, laser therapy and non-surgical hair replacement.

It’s important to appreciate too that many men will have a thinning crown as they become older and before it moves into the male pattern baldness stage – but it’s also important to appreciate that whatever stage of male hair loss you are at then the Landmark Hair team can help.

All over hair thinning

All-over thinning of the hair

One of the most common types of male pattern baldness is the general all-over thinning of the hair.

There are various reasons why this condition occurs but it’s usually a combination of your changing hormones and also inherited genes. These genes can be passed from your mother or father and regardless of whether your father retains a full head of hair, you may still experience all-over hair thinning.

One of the issues about all-over hair thinning is that it will follow a pattern that tends not to be noticed until a large amount of hair has been lost. Also, some men may find their hair loss will slow down and even speed up from time-to-time and when it is going through a thinning phase, it is time to visit an expert.

Indeed, a free consultation with the Landmark Hair experts will reveal why you are losing your hair, what the future hair loss progress will be and what potential solutions are available.

All-over hair thinning solutions

These general all-over hair thinning solutions may include, for example, laser hair treatment and the aim is to guarantee results that will deliver stronger and better looking hair over the long-term and not just for the short-term.

For those men who are in the early stages of hair loss then early action will help to prevent the thinning of hair on the scalp and bring about better looking hair.

Who will be affected by all-over hair thinning?

So, who will be affected by all-over hair thinning? The simple answer is that male pattern baldness can affect men of any age, from their late teens until their 50s or 60s.     minitool partition wizard crack

While for many men, the hair loss process may be slow and undetected until it becomes more advanced, around half of us will lose our hair in varying levels by the time we are 50.

For those who are experiencing a general all-over hair thinning and want to do something about it then it’s time to speak with the Landmark Hair team of experts who will carry out a free consultation and offer a diagnosis as well as a potential hair loss treatment plan to resolve the problem.

Advanced hair loss

Advanced hair loss

For men who are suffering with advanced hair loss, they may believe that there’s nothing that can be done about it. They would be wrong to have this belief.

While your hair loss may have been untreated for a long time and ignored for a variety of reasons, including being unable to do anything about it, there’s still time and opportunity to resolve extensive male hair loss.

There are various types of treatments available for men with advanced hair loss and the Landmark Hair team will guarantee results.

Reasons for your advanced hair loss

It’s important to undergo a free consultation where an expert will diagnose the reasons for your advanced hair loss and if it’s likely to progress. The diagnosis will also see a treatment package being put together for long and short-term results.       netguard pro crack pinnacle studio crack nch switch crack iexplorer crack 

When it comes to male hair loss, around half of all men who are 50 years old or older may have lost all or some of their hair. Hair loss begins in men from their late teens and stretches through their lifetime.

There are reasons for male hair loss including a change in hormones and the genes you inherit from your parents; there’s no explanation for why one generation of men will lose their hair while their sons may not. If your father has a full head of hair, it’s no guarantee that you will too.

Treating advanced hair loss

When it comes to treating advanced hair loss, there may be a range of reasons why men did not undergo hair treatments to rectify the problem including not knowing or understanding what treatments for male hair loss are available.

There’s no doubt that with growing numbers of sport stars and celebrities undergoing male hair loss treatments, including transplantation and non-surgical hair treatments, means more men are aware of the solutions that are available.

However, a quick search on the Internet for solutions for someone with advanced hair loss will throw up a wide range of results that can be confusing. It’s important that to access the best hair loss treatments that you should speak with experts who have a good track record and a high success rate. This means you should speak to the experts at the Landmark Hair team.      river city ransom underground pc game

Free hair loss consultation

The first step is to contact us and then arrange for a free hair loss consultation where an expert will make a diagnosis about the reasons for your hair loss and what the potential solutions might be. If you believe that your hair loss is too advanced and there are no treatments available then you need to speak with the Landmark Hair team to be reassured that there are treatments available whatever your hair loss stage might be at.

Not sure which type?

Not sure which type of hair loss you have?

Because hair loss develops slowly means it can be difficult for men to notice and some may not be sure which type of hair loss they may have. This means they will need to speak to an expert but they may not do this until they have advanced hair loss which is noticeable.

Indeed, there will be many men who are not sure if they are experiencing hair loss and they may be too embarrassed to discuss it anyway.       virtual dj pro crack output portal crack

The Landmark Hair team have years of experience and their free initial consultation will help diagnose what the problem might be, and they will be able to offer a treatment to help restore a full head of hair.

The procedure for replacing hair

It’s also important for those who may be embarrassed about losing their hair that the procedure for replacing hair will be discreet and done gradually so that people will not notice a sudden change in your appearance.

However, for those with significant hair loss there will be a boost in confidence as a result of the Landmark Hair treatment.

Whatever stage of male hair loss you are at, it’s important to seek out expert advice so the hair loss can be treated correctly and reversed.

Question of advanced male hair loss

The question of advanced male hair loss is no longer an embarrassing subject to discuss since growing numbers of celebrities and sports stars are more than happy to display the results of hair loss treatments. These will range from transplantations to non-surgical hair replacement techniques and others such as laser hair therapy.

Some of the results are quite simply remarkable and you too could soon have a full head of hair and enjoy a boost to your confidence as a result. Dealing with experts in the field is crucial to ensure that any potential hair loss treatment is a successful process.         file viewer crack kodak preps crack

Indeed, regardless of the stage of hair loss you are at, lots of men are seeking help and advice with a receding hairline or they may be at advanced stage of losing their hair and are looking for treatment. It is possible with modern techniques and experience to restore hair and reverse the hair loss process.    kaspersky total security crack

Looking to resolve hair loss issues

It’s also important for those who are looking to resolve their hair loss issues that the treatment is recommended will fit in with their lifestyle and needs and will deliver the expected and hoped-for results.

It’s for this reason that regardless of which type of hair loss you may have, the friendly Landmark Hair team will help you on the path to enjoying a full head of hair once again.

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